I Wish I Could Speak in Technicolor...
If you do some research, there is some extraordinary TV footage about LSD research in 1950s available on the web. In one of them the psychiatrist Sidney Cohen interviews a certifiably "stable and well-balanced" woman, the wife of an employee at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Los Angeles (where the research was conducted), before and after she has taken a 100-microgram hit. The experience she describes includes familiar themes such as gorgeous colors, geometric patterns, microscopic particles suddenly visible, and a sense of transcendence, oneness, and ineffability. This is what she said: «I can see everything in color. You have to see the air. You can't believe it... I've never seen such infinite beauty in my life... Everything is so beautiful and lovely and alive... This is reality... I wish I could talk in Technicolor... I can't tell you about it. If you can't see it, then you'll just never know it. I feel sorry for you.» So, for us involved in photography... there is only one consonant difference between LSD (d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) and LST (Light Shaping Tools)!!!